Work-Based Learning


Community Models for Essential Skill Development

Through the scaling of the GPEAK badging system, a growing number of communities are preparing students for productive lives and careers by developing innovative training programs aligned to Illinois’ essential employability competencies.

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I-WIN Events

Learnings From North Kansas City: Creating an Inclusive Work-Based Learning System

On February 21, 2024, North Kansas City Schools shared their approach to ensuring a comprehensive and effective professional learning experience for students at every grade level, including the establishment of leadership structures and councils, operational and communication/tracking systems, teacher supports, and innovative opportunities for business-industry collaboration. 

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I-WIN Events

Ideating with I-WIN: AI in Work-Based Learning Design and Implementation

On February 8, 2024, I-WIN hosted its second session in an ongoing discussion of leveraging AI in work-based learning. Margaret Janke from the Wilco Area Career Center shared how they are utilizing diverse AI tools in crafting materials, designing experiences, and enhancing student engagement within the context of work-based learning.

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New Success Network Policy Committee Memo Outlines Transportation-Related Barriers to Work-Based Learning Access

The Success Network Policy Committee convened a workgroup to explore work-based learning transportation challenges and is now publishing the first of two memos, which shed light on the significant transportation-related barriers students face in accessing work-based learning opportunities. This resource identifies and analyzes challenges impacting in-school youth at the school district, local, and system levels.

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Putting Principles Into Practice: The Launch of Our Youth Apprenticeship Program

At EdSystems, our commitment to advancing racial equity and preparing more learners for productive lives extends beyond providing guidance; it’s about embodying the principles we advocate. We recognize the importance of leading by example, which is why the launch of our Youth Apprenticeship program is more than just a new initiative—it’s a testament to our dedication to practicing what we preach.

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Thought Leadership

Social Capital Is the Fundamental Outcome of Work-Based Learning

The key outcome of work-based learning is social capital, and building this valuable asset starts with being able to guarantee this outcome for all students. As a determinant factor in social mobility and overcoming socioeconomic barriers, social capital prepares students for their futures.

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Exponential Growth: New Data and Draft Rules Released for College and Career Pathway Endorsements

The number of school districts implementing College & Career Pathway Endorsements is increasing exponentially. To support statewide scaling, the Illinois State Board of Education has drafted a set of administrative rules that will soon be open for public comment. In this post, we examine the growth of the endorsement system and share our review of the pending rules, which point to a significant level of momentum in Illinois regarding college and career pathways.

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Unlocking Potential: Empowering Young Women in Manufacturing

Manufacturing has long been a male-dominated field, but the future of this industry depends on inclusivity and fresh perspectives. We gathered insights from manufacturing experts on supporting young women in manufacturing pathways. This collaborative effort has resulted in a resource that offers practical guidance for students at any stage of their career journey.

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I-WIN Events

Supporting Young Women in Manufacturing

On May 23, 2023, we shared best practices, community models, and resources for supporting young women to pursue experiences in manufacturing. This session also shared insights and feedback gathered from female high school and college students on what they want to see in these efforts.

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I-WIN Events

Regional Team-Based Challenges

On May 9, 2023, leaders from Ridgewood High School, Triton College, Waubonsee Community College, and Elgin Community College shared how they are hosting regional team-based challenges in education, manufacturing, and health sciences.

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I-WIN Events

CDE Model: School-Based Enterprises

On April 27, 2023, Collinsville Area Vocational Center shared how it facilitates Career Development Experiences through school-based enterprise models in building trades, auto mechanics, food service, education, and health sciences.

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I-WIN Events

Onboarding and Supporting Employer Partners

On December 14, 2022, Valley Education for Employment System shared how it is engaging employers in their region to be prepared to host and support young people in work-based learning opportunities, including internships.

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I-WIN Events

Energy Conservation School-Based Enterprise

On June 27, 2022, leaders from California-based Climate Action Pathways for Schools shared their model for inspiring and implementing climate education programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while saving money for school districts.

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Working Toward a Thriving Illinois

EdSystems applauds the adoption of the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s new 10-year strategic plan, A Thriving Illinois: Higher Education Paths to Equity, Sustainability, and Growth.

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I-WIN Events

Reflections & Innovations

On May 25, 2021, the Mayor’s Employer Advisory Council in Evanston and North Chicago Community High School shared their processes to shift typically in-person work-based learning events to fully virtual opportunities.

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I-WIN Events

Host/Partner Engagement

On April 20, 2021, Alignment Rockford and Chicago Public Schools shared how they engage with partners who host work-based learning experiences including recruitment, ongoing support, and celebration of their partnerships.

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I-WIN Events

Data Insights & Models

On March 9, 2021, we shared lessons and insights from the Great Lakes College and Career Pathways Partnership and reviewed emerging ISBE expectations for reporting related to the College and Career Readiness Indicator, the College and Career Pathways Endorsement, and Perkins.

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I-WIN Events

Advancing Equity Through Work-Based Learning

On January 21, 2021, we reviewed the Brookings report on how work-based learning can advance equity and opportunity, and heard from Here to Here on the value and impact of work-based learning to address educational equity and opportunity gaps.

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I-WIN Events

I-WIN Launch

On October 28, 2020, we launched I-WIN with an overview of work-based learning plus guest speakers from Career Connect Washington, GCAMP, and Science Olympiad shared experiences and resources.

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I-WIN Resources

Explore resources to support innovative and equitable work-based learning opportunities, including a statewide resource bank of team-based challenges.

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Career Development Experience Toolkit

Released in 2019, the Career Development Experience Toolkit adheres to the framework of the PWR Act for College and Career Pathway Endorsements. These materials serve any organization that seeks to provide rigorous work-based learning opportunities to youth.

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Career Pathways Dictionary

To help transform outcomes for youth and adults across Illinois, the Illinois Career Pathways Dictionary defines key terms for career pathway programs and system elements, while also offering resources and implementation guidance to support statewide alignment.

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Employer Summit with ISTC and EdSystems

Summit Engages Employers on Building Effective Learning Partnerships

On May 11, 2017, the Illinois Science and Technology Institute (ISTI) and Education Systems Center at NIU hosted an employer summit to bring employers together to talk about building effective learning partnerships between employers and schools through problem-based learning, titled Employer Summit: Building Effective Learning Partnerships.

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