Building a Roadmap for Equity: Our Policy Agenda
Spanning local, regional, and statewide work, Education Systems Center’s new policy agenda seeks to increase equitable student access and outcomes
Spanning local, regional, and statewide work, Education Systems Center’s new policy agenda seeks to increase equitable student access and outcomes
On January 27, EdSystems hosted a webinar to launch our new policy agenda to improve student access and success in Illinois.
To support actionable policy development for high-impact college and career readiness strategies, EdSystems is participating in a cross-state community of practice.
The Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) framework, which empowers districts and students by guiding quality college and career advising and development, is a model for the nation. Here’s why.
In this Success Network webinar, a panel of experienced transfer specialists shared best practices for institutional partnerships, promoting transfer opportunities, and supporting transfer student success.
What if there was a way to make math education more inclusive, engaging, and responsive to students’ needs? The Illinois Math Badging Initiative is about improving math outcomes while engaging and empowering students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of contexts. Check out our lessons learned in our first two years.
On May 20, 2024, two students presented insights on their paid micro-internship exploring math beyond the classroom setting. We also provided an overview of the general micro-internship model.
Join the Success Network or a free webinar to learn how stakeholder engagement and continuous improvement can strengthen postsecondary success and impact the broader school community and culture.
In partnership with JFF and College of Lake County, EdSystems is supporting the design and implementation of a new dual enrollment hub to help improve educational outcomes for high-need high school students.
In partnership with Elgin Community College (ECC), we investigated the unique needs of their justice-impacted students. Our research highlights the students’ heightened vulnerability to barriers and the college’s resources. In a new report, we release detailed findings and suggestions to ECC so they can take their next steps in serving justice-impacted students.
Governor JB Pritzker presented his proposed 2024–25 budget on February 21, which maintains largely stable funding for K-12 and higher education with notable increases for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and the Monetary Award Program (MAP), building on the past several years of progress and extending several impactful initiatives.
The Success Network Policy Committee convened to look deeper into the Illinois Report Card 2022–23 data and other data surrounding the state’s P-20 pipeline.
In 2023, the Illinois Education and Career Success Network continued to expand its reach and impact through thoughtful convenings, growing the Network, engagement with students, new supports and funding opportunities for Leadership Communities, re-launching the data dashboard, and exploring policy and practice with the Policy Committee.
Youth apprenticeships at EdSystems offer a unique blend of hands-on experience, networking with industry professionals, and postsecondary planning.
We dive into the latest release of the Illinois Report Card, revealing dynamic shifts in CTE outcomes and a wave of opportunity in dual credit enrollment. We share our perspective on the data shaping the future of college and career readiness for Illinois students.
Review the recording and resources from the December 6, 2023 meeting of the full Success Network Policy Committee.
The Illinois Math Badging Initiative (IMBI) is piloting an alternative credentialing in math that allows for equitable student outcomes and certifies student learning through a variety of methods. Teach Plus Illinois assembled a group of math educators to understand how IMBI will alter the delivery of math and to provide suggestions to schools for supporting teachers.
In an era where mathematics forms the backbone of our society, Illinois has taken a significant step toward enhancing college readiness through the implementation of transitional math. Now, EdSystems is releasing a study conducted by researchers from Northern Illinois University which investigates initial implementation, along with a Quick Takes which highlights key findings.
On October 19, 2023, Success Network Leadership Communities shared lessons learned in implementing learning renewal efforts.
Alongside state and local leaders from across Illinois, we have been engaging in a design thinking process as innovation cohort participants of the Launch initiative. Through this process, we are working to identify systems-level barriers to equitable access and outcomes and develop innovative solutions for pressing challenges in postsecondary transitions and success.
At the State Dual Enrollment Academy, the Illinois team learned about developing equitable student supports and shared our state’s extensive work to promote intentional dual credit experiences for students through aligned policy.
Recent wins for Illinois college and career readiness efforts include legislation to improve the Illinois Articulation Initiative for education pathways, plus budget increases for the evidence-based funding formula, CTE, dual credit, student financial aid, and a teacher pipeline pilot.
Review the recording and resources from the September 13, 2023 meeting of the full Success Network Policy Committee.
EdSystems is applying its experience and knowledge of long-term system building efforts to support Elgin Community College as it seeks to better serve its students with experiences in the carceral justice system.
The new Success Network dashboard will equip communities with robust data tools to help regions identify goals and make informed decisions.
Review the recording and resources from the June 6, 2023 meeting of the full Success Network Policy Committee.
Illinois Math Badging Initiative pilot sites showcased their plans for using badges, demonstrating the flexibility of the badges and incredibly thoughtful ways of employing them.
Review the recording and resources from the March 23, 2023 meeting of the full Success Network Policy Committee.
Over the past few months, the Illinois Community College Board and Higher Learning Commission each published sets of rules for public feedback that will shape dual credit implementation in Illinois. How? Read our thoughts and public comment to ICCB:
Through the national Launch initiative, EdSystems is leading the Illinois team in designing a pilot program that will support seamless transitions for learners from secondary to postsecondary.
The Success Network Policy Committee reviewed data, including secondary measures and postsecondary transition measures at an annual data deep dive convening on January 25, 2023.
In 2022, the Success Network expanded its reach and impact through thoughtful convenings, engagement with students, new supports and funding opportunities for Leadership Communities, and the launch of a new policy committee.
Review the recording and resources from the December 14, 2022 launch meeting of the full Success Network Policy Committee.
EdSystems staffs the Success Network’s Policy Committee to foster collaboration and peer learning, elevate local practice to inform state policy, and support local practitioners.
Celebrating the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s tenth anniversary, join us at the annual conference to be equipped and inspired to advance equitable postsecondary attainment across Illinois.
Together with the Illinois Community College Board, we are supporting a cohort of community colleges to develop competency-based education programs in both welding and industrial maintenance.
Recordings of professional learning sessions for administrators, teachers and counselors to help prepare for implementation of transitional math and state portability submission.
The results of a 2021 survey, co-conducted by EdSystems, are clear: the vast majority of those surveyed see the benefits for all involved in dual credit, from the schools, educators, students, and families.
High school intern Eni shares their personal journey on deciding what to do after graduation plus three tips for high school seniors to consider.
In partnership with XQ Institute and Student Achievement Partners, EdSystems is launching an initiative to create an Illinois high school math badging system as an alternative credentialing mechanism wherein students can certify learning gained through a broad range of sources including coursework, independent study, summer school, and work-based learning.
In support of the OneGoal team and their Postsecondary Leadership Series, the EdSystems team is providing two primary services: capacity-building for OneGoal staff and advising for partner-facing content relating to college and career pathways, early college credit, transitional instruction, work-based learning, and data.
This resource shows Illinois universities’ current participation status and related placement processes for transitional math courses in two of these pathways – STEM and QL / Stats.
On February 28–March 3, 2022, the Illinois Education and Career Success Network delivered high-quality content to a record-setting attendance of 767 educators, administrators, policymakers, students, and leaders.
Looking at ISBE’s 2020-21 Illinois Report Card, the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted learning for students of all ages across Illinois, the impacts of which are reflected in several critical measures. However, increasing dual credit enrollment and declining postsecondary remediation enrollment rates are cause for celebration.
Access resources created or vetted by the Statewide Advisory Group that align with the Statewide Course Parameters, Competencies, and Policies document to support new and established Transitional English courses to meet the requirements to apply for statewide portability.
Through the launch of the Illinois 60 by 25 Network Student Advisory Council, the EdSystems team is learning first-hand the importance of lifting up student voices as we design and refine resources and policies that support student success.
The Chicago Equity-Centered Innovation Forum promotes models of personalized instruction, competency-based approaches, performance assessments, project-based learning, and other emerging innovations that provide promising education frameworks.
Our conversations with five established Transitional Math Local Advisory Panels across Illinois have resulted in a document that is intended to provide guidance at all phases of establishing and running a Local Advisory Panel.
The Education Omnibus Bill results in sweeping changes to Illinois’ P-20 education and workforce systems, spanning from home visiting programs serving Illinois’ youngest children to expectations for community colleges and universities.
Join us February 22–25, 2021, for “Forward Together – Navigating Uncertainty and Advancing to 60% by 2025,” a free, virtual conference.
To increase the number of high school graduates placed into college-level reading and communications courses without the need for remediation, the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education have adopted the Statewide Transitional English Course Parameters, Competencies, and Policies.
New reports highlight opportunities to enhance dual credit policy for equity and quality.
To help stabilize and grow the local economy, community partners in Peoria are working with EdSystems to design and implement GPEAK, which translates the state’s ten competencies into a practical system to prepare individuals for meaningful and fulfilling careers.
With the support of Crown Family Philanthropies, CPS brought in EdSystems to provide strategic counsel and support of the OCCS pathways vision framework and Student Success Roadmap.
EdSystems staff and their partners led a multi-year process to develop and enact the PWR Act in close collaboration with a broad range of education and workforce stakeholders.
The Illinois State Board of Education recently released the 2019–20 Illinois Report Card, and student readiness for postsecondary appears to be rising overall across the State—dual credit enrollment is rising, remediation rates are falling, and graduation rates are growing.
The Postsecondary Workforce Readiness Act’s Transitional English Course Parameters and Competencies are now available for public review.
This two-part Systems Sessions podcast series shares the background and work of the Illinois 60 by 25 Network.
Our first series dives into the work behind the development of the Model Partnership Agreement (MPA) and how it is being implemented in communities. Systems Sessions explores big, current issues in education policy through conversations with the EdSystems team, State policymakers, and community leaders who are on the ground leading this work.
EdSystems leads the interagency efforts to define statewide transitional instruction competencies, policies, and implementation plans.
In early 2019, ISBE and ICCB appointed EdSystems to facilitate the Dual Credit Committee to develop the Model Partnership Agreement.
With EdSystems’ focus on key metrics of college and career readiness, the release of new Illinois Report Card data provides us with an opportunity to both celebrate progress and identify areas needing attention.
Illinois Education and Career Success Network supports communities to increase meaningful and equitable postsecondary attainment and civic engagement.
With the help of Education Systems Center, Illinois recently achieved a major milestone in its efforts to expand dual credit access and offerings with the adoption of the Model Partnership Agreement by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB).
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