As work-based learning programs scale across Illinois, how do we ensure that school districts’ implementation prioritizes continuous improvement and equity as they grow? EdSystems has brought together a diverse, statewide advisory group of stakeholders in work-based learning to tackle this challenge in recent months. Together, we have developed a comprehensive resource outlining high-quality criteria for experiences across the work-based learning continuum as part of our Developing Quality Criteria for College and Career Pathways and Work-Based Learning project, with support from the Walton Family Foundation.
This webinar is tailored for all stakeholders engaged in work-based learning initiatives, including school districts, employers, and community partners.
- Gina Fulton, Principal Consultant, CTE Department, Illinois State Board of Education
- Jennifer Irvin, School-Community Education Partner, BJC Healthcare
- Ericka Kouba, Career Coordinator, Des Plaines Valley Region
- Krista Paul, President, IACTE: Illinois Work-Based Learning Division Subgroup of INRS
- Dorletta Payton, Director of College and Career Readiness, Valley View School District
- William Rose, Career and Tech Education Educator, Illinois CTE Project
- Todd Stirn, Work-Based Learning Specialist, Northern Kane County Regional Vocational System
- Heather Penczak, Innovation and Implementation Director, EdSystems
- Dania Ibrahim, Innovation Manager, EdSystems
- Emily Won, Intern, EdSystems

Access the draft version of the "Scaling Work-Based Learning: Quality Criteria for Continuous Improvement and Equity" resource.