The Equity First: Building Toward a Better Future and Revitalizing Learning conference hosted 767 attendees from February 28 through March 3, 2022. The annual conference of the Illinois Education and Career Success Network (formerly the Illinois 60 by 25 Network) featured 88 speakers who shared their experiences and visions for equitable postsecondary attainment.

The annual conference is presented by the Success Network’s three organizers: Advance Illinois, Education Systems Center at NIU, and Illinois Student Assistance Commission. View the full archive of session recordings and resources on the Success Network website or the YouTube Playlist.

More Events

Join the Illinois Education and Career Success Network Policy Committee for its quarterly meeting and learn about new and emerging education and career policy efforts.
Join EdSystems for the launch of our new policy agenda to improve student access and success in Illinois.
Join the Illinois Education and Career Success Network's Policy Committee to explore a range of college and career readiness and success metrics from Illinois data resources and beyond.