Transitional English instruction builds on students’ experiential and academic knowledge to develop reading, critical thinking and analysis, and writing skills to enhance their success in college-level courses across majors and career pathways while aligning with Illinois’ learning standards.

To support the implementation of transitional English, a Statewide Advisory Group has been established in partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Community College Board, and Illinois Board of Higher Education. The group comprises secondary and postsecondary representatives who advise on the approach for professional development, curricular resources needed, and a review of materials currently in use by communities implementing transitional English.

Through the collaboration and efforts of this group, statewide resources have been created, and community-created samples have been vetted that align with the Statewide Course Parameters, Competencies, and Policies document to support new and established transitional English courses to meet the requirements to apply for statewide portability. Please utilize, repurpose, and share the following resources within your community as you look to enhance or design a transitional English course.

Statewide Transitional English Resources

Access the Transitional English Portability Documents

Resources Developed by the Statewide Advisory Group

Resource Download(s)
What is Transitional English?
Best Fit Profile for Schools and Students
Who Should Take Transitional English – Guidance for Secondary Schools
Partnership Structures within Transitional English
Checklist for MOU, Syllabus, & Spreadsheet Development
(for LAPs and Districts preparing for the Statewide Portability Panel)
Transitional English Syllabus Template
Transitional English Syllabus Sample
Text Set Guidance
Table of Content & Process Competencies
Unit Template

Sample Unit Plans

These examples are in process and represent the best thinking of communities. They will continue to be iterated based on feedback and student outcome.

* Approved for statewide portability

Starting the Journey: Professional Learning Workshops

The first session features an overview of the PWR Act, transitional English philosophy, and the Statewide Transitional English Course Parameters, Competencies, and Policies document.

Download the Session 1 presentation

The second session highlights community college partnerships and the approval process and documentation for transitional English.

Download the Session 2 presentation

The third session highlights instructional shifts for transitional English.

Download the Session 3 presentation

The fourth session highlights the role writing plays in developing students who are ready for college and careers after high school.

Download the Session 4 presentation

The fifth and final session highlights framing and reflective questions, themes and text sets, reading and writing strategies, addressing process skills and competencies, and units of instruction.

Download the Session 5 presentation

Additional Resources

At the 2022 Equity First conference, hosted by the Illinois Education and Career Success Network, Melvin Harrison, Director for Academic Affairs at Illinois Community College Board, presented on transitional English course implementation and how the courses can build bridges for student access. Then, Anji Garza, Director of Professional Learning & Educational Services at ROE #47, shared resources and insights on developing or enhancing transitional English. Download the presentation.

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