
Data Impact & Leadership

Through the Data Impact & Leadership portfolio, EdSystems:

  • Strengthens state- and community-level data capacity and systems.
  • Delivers integrated data through tools for practitioners, policymakers, and youth.
  • Engages with communities to utilize quantitative and qualitative data and evidence to inform pathways and transitions into postsecondary.
  • Establishes evaluation frameworks to assess and improve policy and program implementation.
Current Projects
EdSystems is supporting the district’s development of a new Academic Performance Indicator so that schools can better use standardized test data to understand the success of their interventions, including professional development, changes in curriculum, and innovative approaches to student support.
The AMP-IT initiative is engaging school districts and their community college and employer partners to design and launch an accelerated IT pathway.
To support actionable policy development for high-impact college and career readiness strategies, EdSystems is participating in a cross-state community of practice.
To support Success Network Leadership Communities, the dashboard serves as a single stop for data to inform community decisions in advancement of equitable postsecondary attainment.
EdSystems staffs the Success Network’s Policy Committee to foster collaboration and peer learning, elevate local practice to inform state policy, and support local practitioners.
The Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS) provides the governance and technical systems that support the integration of longitudinal data across participating Illinois state agencies.
To understand the long-term outcomes of pathways students in the Rockford region, the Rockford Regional Education Research Collaborative has designed a data infrastructure that leverages both state- and local-level data.
STAMP serves secondary districts in implementing manufacturing pathways that align to the College and Career Pathway Endorsement, with a particular focus on historically marginalized students.

EdSystems’ cost model for a state longitudinal data system (SLDS) is based on interviews with a variety of SLDS and data organization owners across the country. This document provides a narrative context for the model and serves as a companion piece to a spreadsheet-based tool that practitioners can utilize to customize a model budget.

EdSystem’s policy agenda outlines the core challenges we seek to address across four pillars: leadership, governance, and vision; student experiences and conditions; policy evaluation and continuous improvement; and future readiness. For each challenge, we identify policy aims that describe the conditions we aspire to and practices to drive college and career success for students, particularly those from historically marginalized communities. Through these levers, we seek to support college and career readiness efforts at the state, regional, and local levels.

The Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) initiative, launched by EdSystems and the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, creates opportunities for students in 29 Illinois school districts to explore in-demand manufacturing careers and earn valuable industry credentials. In this brief, our first analysis of student participation data, we explore if historically underrepresented youth are obtaining manufacturing and employment skills that can positively shape their economic trajectories.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes a project overview plus updates on the research and analytics agenda, ILDS projects, and governance.

A two-page introduction to the Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS), including what types of policy questions the system is designed to address, the historical background, and the governing board and partners.

Assessing the collective impact of the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s first decade: 2013–2023.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes a project overview plus updates on standing datasets, curated datasets, data products and requests, and governance.

The framework includes (1) an evaluation framework for early pathways, (2) an investigation into the feasibility of using the Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS) to analyze early pathways outcomes, and (3) an early pathways pilot study using 2022 Illinois Report Card data and interviews with high school and university administrators.

A summary of Early Pathways into the Education Profession: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework, a three-pronged inquiry into evaluating early pathways into the education profession.

Relaunched in 2023, the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s Dashboard helps Leadership Communities analyze regional information on education and workforce system characteristics, track progress on postsecondary education attainment and education-to-career objectives, and benchmark community efforts against state averages.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes updates on the Early Childhood Participation Dataset, High School to College to Career, Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Educator Workforce Standing Dataset, and ILDS 2.0.

This master metrics list includes data metrics recommended or employed by members of the Northern Illinois University P-20 Research & Data Collaborative (RDC) across their portfolio of collaborative, college and career readiness-related projects. EdSystems is a member of the RDC.

The 2020 Great Lakes College & Career Pathways Partnership By the Numbers report examines community capacity as well as student experiences and outcomes. This report also reflects on process learnings as we concluded the work of the partnership.

This report captures the impact of the Illinois 60 by 25 Network from 2013–2020. The Network’s Leadership Communities are driving state policy implementation, deepening and validating collaboration by using the organizing principles of collective impact, increasing cross-sector collaboration, and enhancing leadership and governance structures within their communities. (The Illinois 60 by 25 Network is now known as the Illinois Education and Career Success Network.)

Funded by a federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five grant, the Unduplicated Counts Project links data across state agency systems to establish unduplicated counts of children ages birth through five receiving selected publicly funded early childhood services administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Illinois State Board of Education.

This annual report draws from meetings of the Governing Board and its committees, interviews with agency staff, and information from related state agency initiatives such as the Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families.

This annual report describes the primary Illinois Longitudinal Data System governance activities during the 2016–17 state fiscal year. It describes the priorities for 2017–18 and benchmarks efforts against the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act.

Launched in 2022, the Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System (CECIDS) is integrating data across systems and programs to enable creation of more timely and actionable data analyses and products that serve families, program administrators, funders, advocates and policymakers.
Elgin’s Alliance for College Readiness engaged EdSystems to support alignment to the new College and Career Pathway Endorsement system and the State’s new Perkins V plan.
Since 2016, EdSystems has provided the Great Lakes College and Career Pathways Partnership with strategic expertise and technical assistance.
Illinois Postsecondary Profiles (IPP) is an online resource for data describing 2- and 4-year postsecondary institutions in Illinois.
In support of the OneGoal team and their Postsecondary Leadership Series, the EdSystems team is providing two primary services: capacity-building for OneGoal staff and advising for partner-facing content relating to college and career pathways, early college credit, transitional instruction, work-based learning, and data.
EdSystems supports the Common Program Information component of Pro Path Illinois, to enhance and align data captured across state administrative systems.