Cultivating Internal Culture and Regional Systems for Work-Based Learning

Valley View School District is taking work-based learning to the next level with three exciting new initiatives:

  • The formation of a committee with teachers and counselors to understand stakeholder needs and promote work-based learning opportunities throughout the school.
  • A CTE course called AfterForce, held outside regular school hours, provides at least 30 hours dedicated to career development experiences.
  • The creation of a regional process for onboarding partners, which ensures they are approved across schools to support work-based learning experiences.

At I-WIN’s November 14, 2024 convening, the district shared how they’re deepening their understanding of and support for stakeholders while increasing career development experiences.

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About I-WIN

The Illinois Work-Based Learning Innovation Network is designed for K-12 school districts, postsecondary institutions, employers, and community-based organizations across Illinois to share learnings about innovative, scalable, and high-quality work-based learning models.