The Success Network Policy Committee meeting on December 6, 2023, included:

  • Highlights from the new Illinois School Report Card data on college and career readiness.
  • Review of key policy updates and research on topics including the Higher Learning Commission, educator pipeline work, the Illinois State Board of Education’s proposed College & Career Pathway Endorsements rules, and transportation-related barriers to work-based learning.
  • Discussion of topics to cover in 2024, including both as a full committee and potentially forming new working groups.

>> Download the presentation

More Events

Join the Success Network on April 28, 10–11 a.m., for a free webinar with JFF to learn more about emerging national research and new tools that can support the development of pathways that lead not only to careers, but to connection and choice.
Join I-WIN for a discussion on the challenges, successes, and best practices in offering in-house work-based learning opportunities.
Join the Success Network on April 1, 11 a.m.–12 p.m., for a free webinar as representatives from the Michigan College Access Network and the Michigan Department of Education share their new toolkit for sharing the benefits of college in high school opportunities with students and families.