Roundtable Discussion: Work-Based Learning Systems and Processes

Building on the insights shared by Valley View School District, I-WIN hosted a discussion on the challenges, successes, and best practices in developing systems and processes to support work-based learning holistically. One resource referred to is “Scaling Work-Based Learning: Quality Criteria for Continuous Improvement and Equity” (page 17).

I-WIN roundtable discussions create space for practitioners to share challenges, successes, and best practices in work-based learning. Bring your questions, insights, and resources as we engage in a collaborative conversation aimed at overcoming obstacles and enhancing our collective efforts. This is an excellent opportunity to learn from peers, gain new perspectives, and contribute to a supportive community of practice.

About I-WIN

The Illinois Work-Based Learning Innovation Network is designed for K-12 school districts, postsecondary institutions, employers, and community-based organizations across Illinois to share learnings about innovative, scalable, and high-quality work-based learning models.