Robots to the Rescue: Leveraging AI to Design Innovative Work-Based Learning

On December 5, 2023, I-WIN met to discuss the potential of artificial intelligence, specifically Chat GPT, for the world of work-based learning. Participants learned a few basics about the available tools and tips for getting started, then broke into teams to try using AI to develop work-based learning resources. Participants were given a series of examples of prompts based on Illinois’ work-based learning continuum and were encouraged to think of their own needs. Resulting chats ranged from asking AI to write persuasive letters to potential employer partners to creating rubrics.

About I-WIN

The Illinois Work-Based Learning Innovation Network is designed for K-12 school districts, postsecondary institutions, employers, and community-based organizations across Illinois to share learnings about innovative, scalable, and high-quality work-based learning models.