Released in 2019, the Career Development Experience Toolkit adheres to the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act’s framework for College and Career Pathway Endorsements. While these materials adhere to the endorsement framework for public high school students, they serve any organization seeking to provide youth with rigorous work-based learning opportunities. In 2021, EdSystems released a Companion Piece to provide resources to address the needs of stakeholders outside of a traditional high school setting. In 2022, the team released a Facilitation Guide.
Implementation of the toolkit and its accompanying resources should be done with careful consideration of your participants. The practices listed are not exhaustive and are meant to be adaptable to fit the needs of your community.
A supervised career development experience must include the following:
In addition to workplace settings in business or community partner locations, a supervised career development experience may include a workplace setting that is (a) based in the school district if the setting is authentic and the district employee serving as a supervisor is fulfilling the role of an industry mentor or supervisor rather than the role of a classroom teacher; or (b) virtual if it includes authentic virtual, remote, or hybrid working conditions and a mentor or supervisor who is an employee of the workplace’s organization.
To learn more about implementing career development experiences, download the full toolkit and the resources bundle. The toolkit supports a comprehensive design and implementation of a career development experience, from getting started, to organizational structures, host outreach, onboarding, supports and assessments during the experience, and wrapping up the experience through thoughtful evaluations, awards, and measuring outcomes. To download individual sections of the toolkit and/or the individual resources, see below.
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