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EdSystems’ cost model for a state longitudinal data system (SLDS) is based on interviews with a variety of SLDS and data organization owners across the country. This document provides a narrative context for the model and serves as a companion piece to a spreadsheet-based tool that practitioners can utilize to customize a model budget.

EdSystem’s policy agenda outlines the core challenges we seek to address across four pillars: leadership, governance, and vision; student experiences and conditions; policy evaluation and continuous improvement; and future readiness. For each challenge, we identify policy aims that describe the conditions we aspire to and practices to drive college and career success for students, particularly those from historically marginalized communities. Through these levers, we seek to support college and career readiness efforts at the state, regional, and local levels.

With the support of ICCB, EdSystems researched the utilization of the State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guides in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Architecture, Construction and Energy; Arts and Communications and Finance and Business Services. The report includes the findings and recommendations to improve alignment.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust agriculture, food, and natural resources pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in August 2021 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust arts and communications pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in August 2021 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust education pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in October 2020 and revised in October 2022 and September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust finance and business services pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in August 2021 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust health sciences and technology pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in October 2020 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust IT pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in October 2020 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust manufacturing and engineering pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in October 2020 and revised in September 2024.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust architecture, construction, and energy pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide, sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education, was first released in August 2021 and revised in September 2024.

The Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) initiative, launched by EdSystems and the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, creates opportunities for students in 29 Illinois school districts to explore in-demand manufacturing careers and earn valuable industry credentials. In this brief, our first analysis of student participation data, we explore if historically underrepresented youth are obtaining manufacturing and employment skills that can positively shape their economic trajectories.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes a project overview plus updates on the research and analytics agenda, ILDS projects, and governance.

The Career Development Experience Toolkit, initially released in 2019 and updated in August 2024, adheres to the framework of the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act for College and Career Pathway Endorsements. The guide and online resources are designed to serve any organization seeking to provide youth with rigorous work-based learning opportunities. Career development experiences are part of Illinois’ broader work-based learning continuum and refer to a broad array of experiential learning that addresses the components included in the statutory definition.

A two-page introduction to the Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS), including what types of policy questions the system is designed to address, the historical background, and the governing board and partners.

This resource empowers college and career pathway practitioners at all implementation stages to center equity and continuous improvement in their work. The six framework components cover the breadth of pathways development and implementation: development and engagement, recruitment and access, instructional sequence, academic instruction and supports, instructors, and employer-informed competencies and skills. The quality criteria are organized along an implementation continuum and include equitable practices and continuous improvement strategies.

This resource is designed to help communities enhance their work-based learning programs and ensure equitable access for schools with varying capacities. It includes quality criteria, resources, and equity considerations for career awareness, career exploration, team-based challenges, career development experiences, and work-based learning systems and processes. Equity insights and student “I can” statements are also incorporated. 

The Illinois Math Badging Initiative (IMBI) aims to develop an Illinois high school math badging system. Aligned with IMBI’s goals, EdSystems conducted a 6-week, 30-hour, paid virtual micro-internship for high school students to explore real-world math applications, develop recommendations for integrating math into various activities, and connect their findings to career interests and classroom learning. This document details the micro-internship process, including the generated resources, lessons learned, and guidance on applying the model to additional contexts. It is intended for work-based learning coordinators, internship coordinators, employers, and other facilitators interested in implementing micro-internships.

The Illinois Math Badging Initiative micro-internship invited high school students to explore real-world math applications, develop recommendations for integrating math into various activities, and connect their findings to career interests and classroom learning. Interns produced written reports detailing insights they gathered on capturing math outside the traditional classroom, samples of which are shared in this document.

In partnership with Elgin Community College, we investigated the unique needs of their justice-impacted students. Our research highlights the students’ heightened vulnerability to barriers and the college’s resources, and the report includes detailed findings and suggestions to support next steps in serving justice-impacted students.

Assessing the collective impact of the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s first decade: 2013–2023.

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource focuses on the post-internship phase. It provides a roadmap for companies to support interns in their transition to college and career readiness, ensuring a clear next step for those who complete the experience.

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource offers guidance on fostering meaningful mentor-mentee relationships. It emphasizes the role of mentors in shaping the learning experience and ensuring the overall success of high school interns.

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource focuses on establishing a robust onboarding process for high school interns. It provides insights on creating a structured and supportive environment, enabling interns to thrive in their roles.

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource provides employer models and resources to support companies to confidently engage high school students in manufacturing internships while complying with regulations.

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource outlines strategies for companies to create an environment that welcomes young talent, including preparing for high school interns, setting expectations, and fostering a positive work environment.

To successfully scale manufacturing internships, employers need to better understand the many ways in which they can engage students under 18 and be prepared to thoughtfully mentor young people. This collection of one-pagers from the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and EdSystems, through the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) initiative, guides employers in effectively hosting high school interns while championing equity in placement and career progression.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes a project overview plus updates on standing datasets, curated datasets, data products and requests, and governance.

In partnership with EdSystems and the Competency-Based Education Network, the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) engaged a group of community colleges to develop a competency-based education (CBE) program in the high-demand sectors of industrial maintenance and welding for implementation in academic year 2023–24. This report describes the process and the colleges’ lessons learned.

This one-page summary is based on a recent study, Transitional Math Implementation in Illinois, highlighting key takeaways in high school and community college implementation, plus what we learned from the case study.

This report covers the findings from an initial evaluation of transitional math in Illinois, focusing on understanding the implementation of transitional math programs in secondary and postsecondary education institutions, a key part of the larger evaluation effort that examines the impact of transitional math programs on participating students. The report also covers a case study of data utilization related to transitional math within one Illinois region.

With the support of ICCB, EdSystems researched the utilization of the State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guides in Education, Health Sciences and Technology, Information Technology, and Manufacturing and Engineering. The report includes the findings and recommendations to improve alignment.

The framework includes (1) an evaluation framework for early pathways, (2) an investigation into the feasibility of using the Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS) to analyze early pathways outcomes, and (3) an early pathways pilot study using 2022 Illinois Report Card data and interviews with high school and university administrators.

A summary of Early Pathways into the Education Profession: A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework, a three-pronged inquiry into evaluating early pathways into the education profession.

In partnership with the IMA Education Foundation, this resource specifies how to best support students at every stage on their journey from elementary to and through postsecondary, with a focus on shifting how we speak about and engage women in manufacturing experiences.

Examining the key areas of alignment between the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE), College and Career Pathway Endorsement (CCPE), and College and Career Readiness Indicator (CCRI) frameworks.

The first-of-its-kind Illinois Career Pathways Dictionary now includes expanded and updated definitions as well as resources and implementation guidance on a new website,

Relaunched in 2023, the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s Dashboard helps Leadership Communities analyze regional information on education and workforce system characteristics, track progress on postsecondary education attainment and education-to-career objectives, and benchmark community efforts against state averages.

An update on the Illinois Longitudinal Data System for the project’s Executive Committee, prepared by EdSystems. The report includes updates on the Early Childhood Participation Dataset, High School to College to Career, Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Educator Workforce Standing Dataset, and ILDS 2.0.

A collection of resources and templates as part of the larger Career Development Experience Toolkit. These resources are meant to serve multiple audiences – from communities just beginning to develop a career development experience to those looking to enhance their offerings and ensure they are tied to real-world skills and opportunities for participants.

Students in the CBE Welding Technology Program at Lewis and Clark Community College, a frontrunner in competency-based education, provided valuable insights into the value of a CBE framework and how to help students be successful.

This Quick Takes is based on results from the Student Voices Evaluation of Scaling Education Pathways in Illinois (SEPI), released in October 2022, which focuses on the perspective of students participating in education pathways.

This study, conducted by the P-20 Research and Data Collaborative at Northern Illinois University for Education Systems Center, focuses on understanding the perspectives of high school students who were currently enrolled in education pathways as part of the Scaling Education Pathways in Illinois initiative.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust human and public services pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide is sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in consultation and collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education.

This Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide uses a backward-mapping approach to outline robust culinary and hospitality pathways aligned to Illinois’ innovative College and Career Pathway Endorsement system. The guide is sponsored by the Illinois Community College Board as part of the Perkins V Plan and developed in consultation and collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Facilitation Guide provides a guided checklist for communities to design and implement a career development experience as a part of Illinois’ broader work-based learning continuum. This document is meant to be used in conjunction with the Career Development Experience Toolkit and Companion Guide, which outlines community models, best practices, and resources.

Learn about the PWR Act’s components and the latest updates on implementation, including resources from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission and EdSystems, at (relaunched in 2022).

A brief on HB3296/Public Act 102-0917, signed into law on May 27, 2022, that advances the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework and the College and Career Pathway Endorsements.

This master metrics list includes data metrics recommended or employed by members of the Northern Illinois University P-20 Research & Data Collaborative (RDC) across their portfolio of collaborative, college and career readiness-related projects. EdSystems is a member of the RDC.

The continued expansion of dual credit is a core strategy of the Chicago Roadmap, a comprehensive partnership between City Colleges of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools. This analysis identifies strategies to shift the dual credit support system from its foundations in a modest number of course offerings into a model that can meet the scale of the joint Roadmap objectives.

EdSystems developed this analysis of the initial implementation of SEPI with input from the first cohort of collaboratives. It was undertaken to understand how the components of the education pathway were being executed in practice and to collect promising practices and lessons learned.

The tracker, formatted as an Excel file, is designed for district, intermediary, and school teams to identify the status, responsibility parties, and timelines for various aspects of pathway implementation.

A school readiness framework to support district, intermediary organizations (such as an Education for Employment district, regional superintendent, joint district and community college collaboration, or economic development or collective impact organization), and school leaders to develop action plans for implementing college and career pathways. The indicators outlined in this framework are based on best practice, research, and implementation in the field.

Part of the Middle-Skills Pathways in Chicago project funded by Bridges to Brighter Futures, this analysis seeks to define how education and workforce partners can advance regional, middle-skills pathways for the transportation, distribution, and logistics sector that lead to quality industry credentials and degrees.

Part of the Middle-Skills Pathways in Chicago project funded by Bridges to Brighter Futures, this analysis seeks to define how education and workforce partners can advance regional, middle-skills pathways for the manufacturing sector that lead to quality industry credentials and degrees.

Part of the Middle-Skills Pathways in Chicago project funded by Bridges to Brighter Futures, this analysis seeks to define how education and workforce partners can advance regional, middle-skills pathways for the health sciences sector that lead to quality industry credentials and degrees.

Part of the Middle-Skills Pathways in Chicago project funded by Bridges to Brighter Futures, this analysis seeks to define how education and workforce partners can advance regional, middle-skills pathways for the education and childcare sector that lead to quality industry credentials and degrees.

Part of the Middle-Skills Pathways in Chicago project funded by Bridges to Brighter Futures, this analysis seeks to define how education and workforce partners can advance regional, middle-skills pathways for the information technology sector that lead to quality industry credentials and degrees.

A detailed list of five recommendations for improving education- and workforce-systems improvements to better support middle-skills pathways in the Chicago region.

This outcomes framework identifies descriptive quantitative metrics that can be used across Chicago’s middle-skills pathways system as a whole, for groupings of programs, or for specific programs. The descriptive information and metrics in this framework can help funders, policymakers, and system administrators to better understand the context for middle-skills pathway program delivery in Chicago and the outcomes associated with those programs.

A glossary of terms for use by education and workforce leaders in support of advancing middle-skills pathways in Chicago.

Our conversations with five established transitional math Local Advisory Panels across Illinois have resulted in a document that is intended to guide all phases of establishing and running a Local Advisory Panel.

An extension of the Career Development Experience Toolkit, the Companion Piece aims to explore career development experiences and provide resources to address the needs of stakeholders outside of a traditional high school setting, including workforce development organizations, community-based organizations, and alternative high schools in order to serve youth more inclusively.

The Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Board of Higher Education, and Illinois Community College Board have jointly agreed upon the course parameters, competencies, and related policies outlined in this document, adopted in January 2021. These course parameters, competencies, and related policies will guide the local partnerships between high schools and colleges necessary for the successful implementation of transitional English instruction.

This document, updated in January 2021, includes an overview of the three transitional math pathways established by the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act Act and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Board of Higher Education, and Illinois Community College Board. It includes the competencies recommended for transitional math, including process competencies for all three pathways related to mathematical and student success and content competencies for each of the three pathways.

The 2020 Great Lakes College & Career Pathways Partnership By the Numbers report examines community capacity as well as student experiences and outcomes. This report also reflects on process learnings as we concluded the work of the partnership.

A guide for developing information gathering systems in remote and blended learning environments. Facilitated by EdSystems, this is a project of the Data, Assessment, and Accountability Committee of the Illinois P-20 Council.

This report captures the impact of the Illinois 60 by 25 Network from 2013–2020. The Network’s Leadership Communities are driving state policy implementation, deepening and validating collaboration by using the organizing principles of collective impact, increasing cross-sector collaboration, and enhancing leadership and governance structures within their communities. (The Illinois 60 by 25 Network is now known as the Illinois Education and Career Success Network.)

The essential employability competencies, entrepreneurial mindsets, and technical skills, set forth in this document were developed through an iterative process involving public-private steering committees established pursuant to the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act in order to implement College and Career Pathway Endorsements.

The framework for the College and Career Pathway Endorsements system was established by the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act. School districts award the endorsement on high school diplomas/transcripts to those demonstrating readiness for college and careers.

Funded by a federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five grant, the Unduplicated Counts Project links data across state agency systems to establish unduplicated counts of children ages birth through five receiving selected publicly funded early childhood services administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Illinois State Board of Education.

This analysis describes the population of Illinois students participating in the health sciences pathway pipeline from high school into community college, using state-level technical infrastructure to link individual-level data from the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Community College Board. This integrated dataset establishes unduplicated counts of students enrolling in Illinois high school health science career and technical education courses and Illinois community college degree programs in health science. This brief provides selected project findings for a cohort of health science pathway students transitioning from high school to community college and a second cohort of students enrolling in a community college health science program.

This annual report draws from meetings of the Governing Board and its committees, interviews with agency staff, and information from related state agency initiatives such as the Governor’s Cabinet on Children and Families.

This annual report describes the primary Illinois Longitudinal Data System governance activities during the 2016–17 state fiscal year. It describes the priorities for 2017–18 and benchmarks efforts against the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act.
