STAMP Dashboard

The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and EdSystems partnered in spring 2022 to launch the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) to help meet the demand for skilled manufacturing workers in Illinois while advancing equity. Collaboratives from eight regions participated in the first cohort: Chicago, Elgin/Northern Kane County, Northwest Suburbs, Peoria, Quad Cities, Rockford & Belvidere, Sauk Valley, and Western Cook County. 

As part of the initiative, the STAMP Dashboard was created to track students taking manufacturing coursework to help answer the following questions:

  • Where do these students come from? (by region and by district)
  • What demographic information can we know about these students?
  • How many of these students earned an industry credential?
  • How many of these students have high needs as a result of facing low-income barriers?
  • What do we know about students taking specific manufacturing programs?

Coming Soon!

The EdSystems team is updating the STAMP dashboard to incorporate new data and provide a better user experience. The refreshed tool will be available soon!

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