The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act, signed into law in 2016, applies a student-centered and competency-based approach to support Illinois students in preparing for postsecondary education and careers. EdSystems staff and their partners led a multi-year process to develop and enact the PWR Act in close collaboration with a range of education and workforce stakeholders.

Public Act 102-0917 (HB3296) was signed into law in 2022 and builds from the original provisions of the PWR Act. This new legislation advances the work laid out in the PWR Act by centering on two of its core components: the Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework and the College and Career Pathway Endorsements (CCPE). While districts across Illinois had already adopted both frameworks, HB3296 established new expectations for districts serving students in the relevant grades (6–12 for PaCE and 9–12 for CCPE) to either implement these frameworks locally or opt-out after considering several factors. The legislation also lays out expectations of the state’s education agencies to provide resources and support to districts as they pursue implementation.

Our Role

The EdSystems team has spearheaded the implementation of the PWR Act’s four key strategies:

EdSystems plays a significant role in PWR Act implementation, particularly supporting state and local implementation efforts on transitional instruction and the College and Career Pathway Endorsements. Additionally, EdSystems is driving the alignment of emerging policy frameworks to the core components and principles of the PWR Act.

One essential vehicle for EdSystems’ support at the local level has been through offering technical assistance and strategic grants to Illinois Education and Career Success Network Leadership Communities and other key districts across the state. The Network’s Leadership Communities are driving state policy implementation, deepening and validating collaboration by using the organizing principles of collective impact, increasing cross-sector collaboration, and enhancing leadership and governance structures within their communities.



Supported by

The Joyce Foundation

Director of Policy
Portrait of Edith Njuguna
Director of the Illinois Education and Career Success Network
Director of Pathways
Project Status

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