Work-Based Learning Resources

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A Micro-Internship Model for Engaging High School Students: A Pilot of the Illinois Math Badging Initiative

The Illinois Math Badging Initiative (IMBI) aims to develop an Illinois high school math badging system. Aligned with IMBI’s goals, EdSystems conducted a 6-week, 30-hour, paid virtual micro-internship for high school students to explore real-world math applications, develop recommendations for integrating math into various activities, and connect their findings to career interests and classroom learning. This document details the micro-internship process, including the generated resources, lessons learned, and guidance on applying the model to additional contexts. It is intended for work-based learning coordinators, internship coordinators, employers, and other facilitators interested in implementing micro-internships.

Career Development Experience Toolkit

The Career Development Experience Toolkit, initially released in 2019 and updated in August 2024, adheres to the framework of the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act for College and Career Pathway Endorsements. The guide and online resources are designed to serve any organization seeking to provide youth with rigorous work-based learning opportunities. Career development experiences are part of Illinois’ broader work-based learning continuum and refer to a broad array of experiential learning that addresses the components included in the statutory definition.

Career Development Experience Toolkit – Companion Piece

An extension of the Career Development Experience Toolkit, the Companion Piece aims to explore career development experiences and provide resources to address the needs of stakeholders outside of a traditional high school setting, including workforce development organizations, community-based organizations, and alternative high schools in order to serve youth more inclusively.

Career Development Experience Toolkit – Facilitation Guide

The Facilitation Guide provides a guided checklist for communities to design and implement a career development experience as a part of Illinois’ broader work-based learning continuum. This document is meant to be used in conjunction with the Career Development Experience Toolkit and Companion Guide, which outlines community models, best practices, and resources.

Career Development Experience Toolkit – Resources Bundle

A collection of resources and templates as part of the larger Career Development Experience Toolkit. These resources are meant to serve multiple audiences – from communities just beginning to develop a career development experience to those looking to enhance their offerings and ensure they are tied to real-world skills and opportunities for participants.

Career Exploration Template

Aligned to the Illinois Career Pathways Dictionary, this template can help spark thinking and document the design for a career exploration experience.

Career Pathways Dictionary

The first-of-its-kind Illinois Career Pathways Dictionary now includes expanded and updated definitions as well as resources and implementation guidance on a new website,

Community Example: Boone County Manufacturing Internship

Boone County offered a variety of manufacturing career development experiences with community partners and shares their model, best practices, and lessons learned. Additionally they provide their internship position descriptions, employer 1-pager handout, employer flier, employer host resources parent/student information sheet.

Community Example: Clairemont High School Internship Program

Clairemont High School’s 12th grade students can participate in a Career Internship Placement course during their final year, which includes a field internship supervised by a CHS teacher. This model includes a program description, program flyer, intern request form, legal considerations, etc.

Community Example: Clairemont High School Mentorship Program

High school juniors in an academy at Clairemont High School participate in a Mentorship Program, where they are matched with adult mentors based on personality type and career interests. It is a one-year commitment which includes monthly 90-minute meetings covering topics like goal setting, academic progress, and career research. This model includes the full mentorship program description and mentor handbook.

Community Example: D214 Stop the Bleed Team-Based Challenge

D214 shares a team-based challenge description and activity slides for its “Stop the Bleed” health sciences challenge. This team-based challenge is used in the district’s health sciences pathway, including Medical Academy and Certified Nursing Assistant courses.

Community Example: Elm Middle School Career Exploration

Elm Middle School offers career studies (CSI) courses as part of their College & Career Pathways Program. The following resource offers student and teacher perspectives on the pathways program as well as information about career studies elective courses.

Community Example: North Grand High School Makerspace Internship

Details of the Makerspace Internship held at North Grand High School. The Makerspace Internship focused on utilizing an in-house makerspace to train student experts in Arts and Communication and IT. Resources include internship description, sample nomination letter, interview resources, bilingual 1-pager for equipment use, and equipment badging system.

Community Example: Northern Kane County Internship/Apprenticeship Model

Program overview video, sample program description, timeline, job descriptions, student application, student placement flowchart, and business partner development flow chart for manufacturing internships through the Northern Kane County Regional Vocational System EFE 110’s internship/apprenticeship program.

Employer Resources for Hosting High School Interns

To successfully scale manufacturing internships, employers need to better understand the many ways in which they can engage students under 18 and be prepared to thoughtfully mentor young people. This collection of one-pagers from the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association and EdSystems, through the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) initiative, guides employers in effectively hosting high school interns while championing equity in placement and career progression.

Employer Resources for Hosting High School Interns – Connecting the Dots

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource focuses on the post-internship phase. It provides a roadmap for companies to support interns in their transition to college and career readiness, ensuring a clear next step for those who complete the experience.

Employer Resources for Hosting High School Interns – Cultivating Success

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource offers guidance on fostering meaningful mentor-mentee relationships. It emphasizes the role of mentors in shaping the learning experience and ensuring the overall success of high school interns.

Employer Resources for Hosting High School Interns – Welcoming Young Talent

A one-pager from the Scaling Transformative Advanced Manufacturing Pathways (STAMP) Employer Resources collection, this resource outlines strategies for companies to create an environment that welcomes young talent, including preparing for high school interns, setting expectations, and fostering a positive work environment.

Final Projects from the Illinois Math Badging Initiative Micro-Internship

The Illinois Math Badging Initiative micro-internship invited high school students to explore real-world math applications, develop recommendations for integrating math into various activities, and connect their findings to career interests and classroom learning. Interns produced written reports detailing insights they gathered on capturing math outside the traditional classroom, samples of which are shared in this document.

HOSA-Future Health Professionals Competition

The HOSA competition is designed to motivate and provide a system for recognizing the competencies developed by students through class instruction, related job training, and related activities. View the rules, guidelines, and tools.

Illinois State Board of Education: Work-Based Learning Manual

This manual provides guidance for creating and improving work-based learning opportunities for K-12 students. Activities are designed to introduce career exploration as soon as possible, build increasingly interactive experiences, and maximize student exposure to careers and work-based learning opportunities by the time they complete secondary education.​ This resource is a living document, and ISBE would value any feedback or resources as they continue to update guidance.

Resource: ConnectED Day at Work Video Series

A collection of videos to help youth better understand the working world in the 21st, and the skills needed to be successful. Videos are available for the following sectors: arts and entertainment, biomedical and health, business and finance, engineering, IT and design, and law and public service.  

Resource: VALEES Exploring the Teaching Profession videos

Valley Education For Employment System (VALEES) created an animated video series in both English and Spanish exploring the teaching profession. The videos included are: Why Be A Teacher?, Dispelling Stereotypes of the Teaching Profession, Diversity in the Teaching Profession, and Financing a Teaching Degree.

Resource: VALEES, CAST, IVVC Internship micro-credential

Developed by Valley Education for Employment System, CAST, and Indian Valley Vocational Center, the IL Internship Micro-Credential is a course designed for employers to complete before hosting a high school intern. By earning a micro-credential, employers feel more prepared to take on an intern, and as an added benefit, the credential is a signal to local high schools that employers have done their homework and can be trusted with students.

Rubric for Equity-Centered Recruitment

A review framework to help schools assess whether their outreach for college and career pathways is effectively reaching underrepresented students and adjust their approach as needed.

Scaling Work-Based Learning: Quality Criteria for Continuous Improvement and Equity

This resource is designed to help communities enhance their work-based learning programs and ensure equitable access for schools with varying capacities. It includes quality criteria, resources, and equity considerations for career awareness, career exploration, team-based challenges, career development experiences, and work-based learning systems and processes. Equity insights and student “I can” statements are also incorporated.