Moving Students Forward: Chicago Equity-Centered Innovation Forum Kick-Off Webinar

The Chicago Equity-Centered Innovation Forum (CEIF) kick-off was held on May 27, 2021. Participants explored options for extended learning using competency concepts as a more equitable strategy for credit recovery due to COVID-19 disruptions and for more equitably providing students with summer accelerated learning. CBE pilot schools Benito Juarez Community Academy High School, Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy, and Phoenix STEM Military Academy High School shared promising practices and lessons learned. We were joined by district and school leaders, teachers, and those interested in investigating innovative instructional models as strategies for dismantling systemic inequities in traditional educational approaches.

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Equity-Centered Innovation Resources

About CEIF

The Chicago Equity-Centered Innovation Forum (CEIF) is a partnership between Education Systems Center and Chicago Public Schools to support innovative models for addressing systemic inequities, such as student-centered personalized instruction, competency-based approaches, and performance assessments. CEIF works to identify, support, and amplify models that are unlikely to emerge from schools making more incremental changes. It provides space for innovators in Chicago high schools and high schools across the state to share best practices and strategize toward solutions, gain support and guidance from national experts, and investigate implementation models from other Illinois districts and other states. CEIF is open to educators from Chicago Public Schools and districts across Illinois.

More Events

Join the Success Network on April 28, 10–11 a.m., for a free webinar with JFF to learn more about emerging national research and new tools that can support the development of pathways that lead not only to careers, but to connection and choice.
Join I-WIN for a discussion on the challenges, successes, and best practices in offering in-house work-based learning opportunities.
Join the Success Network on April 1, 11 a.m.–12 p.m., for a free webinar as representatives from the Michigan College Access Network and the Michigan Department of Education share their new toolkit for sharing the benefits of college in high school opportunities with students and families.