The Illinois Education and Career Success Network Policy Committee Q1 meeting welcomed two presenters: Success Network Student Advisory Committee member Massilon Boyd and Dr. Antoinette Taylor.
Mass shared the results of a survey he conducted of his fellow students on exploring student experiences with college and career readiness opportunities and what they are most looking for in terms of support and resources. He emphasized the importance of listening to students as school/district leaders work to develop college and career preparation like CTE and pathways endorsements. He also emphasized how students are looking for valuable opportunities that are directly connected to program/job placement, lead to real-world credentials, and include contextualized learning opportunities throughout their high school career.
Dr. Taylor shared background on work to address chronic absenteeism in the state and how it ties into work to prepare young people for college, career, and life, including ties to the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act and the work of the Attendance Commission. We also noted a relevant recent op-ed about how teacher absenteeism ties into student engagement and a report about what grades are showing the most challenges with absenteeism.
Additionally, the meeting included an invitation to a new workgroup to explore challenges and elevate solutions related to College and Career Pathway Endorsements (CCPE), and a review of key policy updates and research, including the Governor’s proposed budget and the current legislative session.
The Policy Committee is open to the public and includes stakeholders from education, workforce development, community-based organizations, advocacy groups, and state agencies across the P-20 pipeline. It focuses on new and emerging education and career policy efforts, such as college and career pathways, work-based learning, early college credit, transitional instruction, and postsecondary transitions.