Health Sciences Career Exploration and Career Development Experience Pilot

Health sciences occupations are a significant focus of Illinois’ job growth trajectory. Illinois is experiencing rapid growth in the healthcare sector that could result in a statewide workforce shortage for a range of occupations, such as nurses, nurse practitioners, and medical/laboratory technicians. With an aging population, Illinois is more likely to experience these shortages than the typical state, with the shortage exacerbated by the COVID-19 public health crisis. To help spur Illinois’ education system in preparing students to meet this demand, EdSystems released the Illinois Model Programs of Study Guide in Health Sciences in October 2020 in collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Community College Board. The guide—which identifies priority occupations, promising credentials, and a framework for secondary-to-postsecondary pathways that incorporate meaningful work-based learning opportunities—is intended to be locally adopted and customized using regional data by communities across Illinois.

The Health Sciences Career Exploration and Career Development Experience Pilot is designed to help communities implement the career exploration and career development experiences that align to the guide. Pilot sites are designing targeted resources and supports to raise awareness of career opportunities in the health sciences sector and the pathways available to enter the field.

Our Role

The EdSystems team engaged a two-generation approach to career exploration in health sciences, supporting pilot schools to design events and resources that inspire both the student and their parents, guardians, or other family members about current and future career opportunities. Utilizing the research and recommendations in the Illinois Model Programs of Study for Health Sciences, we designed materials highlighting health sciences occupations that are in demand, have forecasted growth, and pay a living wage. We provided technical assistance to the pilot schools to customize the materials to incorporate regional occupation demands and wages and communicate explicit details on local secondary and postsecondary pathways. The career exploration experiences piloted from these events were captured as models to be shared through our Illinois Work-Based Learning Innovation Network.

Three communities participated in the cohort:

  • Plainfield School District 202 with YMCA, Joliet Junior College, and Edwards Hospital
  • Chicago Public Schools with City Colleges of Chicago, RUSH University Medical Center, and the Rush Education and Career Hub (REACH)
  • East St. Louis School District 189 with Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Southwestern Illinois College

Each community partnership includes a postsecondary partner that provided input on customizing the Illinois Model Program of Study Guide in Health Sciences and Technology to reflect the education pathways available at their college. Postsecondary partners presented at the event and brought admissions representatives to answer questions one-on-one from students and families.

In addition to giving students and families deeper exposure to occupations through direct engagement with industry professionals, EdSystems captured the career development experience models that exist within the three communities and supported refining the existing models to increase equity. The models were also shared through our Illinois Work-Based Learning Innovation Network.

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