Extended Model Pathways in Chicago

Since 2019, City Colleges of Chicago has partnered with Chicago Public Schools to implement the Chicago Roadmap for College Success, an effort to expand early college opportunities for students while implementing model pathways in high-wage, high-growth industries and ramping up student career exploration. According to the University of Chicago’s To&Through Project, 27% of Chicago Public Schools’ freshmen will go on to earn a college credential by the time they’re about 25 years old. To help increase the postsecondary attainment rate, City Colleges of Chicago seeks to develop clear pathways that begin with early college in high school, continue through associate degree completion, and then support transfer to a bachelor’s degree program at a four-year college or university.

Our Role

In fall 2023, EdSystems began work with Chicago Public Schools and City Colleges of Chicago to support the development of extended model pathways starting from early college through associate and bachelor degree completion. EdSystems is analyzing labor market information as well as community college and university courses, as well as packaging the findings in student-facing materials. Additionally, we are supporting City Colleges in targeting specific university majors and programs for strategic agreements that extend the current work with Chicago Public Schools on Model Pathways.

Director of Pathways
Senior Director of Strategy and Development 
Project Status

The Latest


Transitional Instruction 101

The Illinois State Board of Education and EdSystems shared an introduction to transitional instruction, which was established by the 2016 Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act and increases college readiness for high school seniors and reduces remedial education needs.

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Governor Pritzker’s Proposed FY2026 Budget: Education Highlights

Governor JB Pritzker presented his proposed 2025–26 budget on February 19, which maintains largely stable funding for K-12 and higher education with modest increases for Career and Technical Education and the Monetary Award Program, building on the past several years of progress and extending several impactful initiatives.

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