Analysis of College and Career Pathways

In Illinois, college and career pathways were jump-started with the 2016 passage of the Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act, which defines the required components of College and Career Pathway Endorsements and recognizes public high school graduates who complete a specific package of curricular and workplace experiences.

To understand the potential impact of College and Career Pathway Endorsements, EdSystems is asking the following questions:

  1. Are pathways models in high school succeeding in accelerating students toward postsecondary credentials and promising careers?
  2. Are the pathways priorities identified by EdSystems and programs invested in by Illinois state agencies targeting credentials and career opportunities with a strong return on investment for learners?

Our Role

In 2023–24, EdSystems developed a return on investment (ROI) analysis framework for college and career pathways in Illinois to evaluate the system’s impact on students, communities, and the state economy. The research explored federal, state, and local educational investments in pathways and suggested an Illinois investment calculation model. Proposed metrics and equations to measure societal, community, and individual returns culminated in a four-part framework.

Key findings include the need to better align pathways with labor market demands and improve data collection for accurate tracking. Highlighting investment efforts, Federal Perkins V funds should align more closely with state-specific needs; state and local funding models need more flexibility and regional collaboration.

Senior Director of Data
Project Status

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Success Network Events

Building Pathways to Career, Connection, and Choice

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