Illinois Advanced Apprenticeship Consortium

In spring 2015, the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association worked in concert with the German American Chamber of Commerce, Harper College, and CICESS (Central Illinois Center of Excellence in Secure Software), and EdSystems to develop the Illinois Advanced Apprenticeship Consortium (IAAC). In September 2015, IAAC was awarded a $3.9 million grant from the Department of Labor for its application in the American Apprenticeship Initiative. The initiative lays out specific criteria in the development of apprenticeship programs that are agreed to by consortia members, including the ICATT Apprenticeship Program.

Our Role

EdSystems partnered with the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association to write the successful American Apprenticeship Initiative application and worked consistently with the IAAC Steering Committee on implementation. Our specific focus was on collaborating with Education for Employment districts in Illinois to implement a manufacturing pathway aligned to the College and Career Pathway Endorsement system for students, meeting the expectations and requirements of the PWR Act. These districts aim to incorporate the state-level manufacturing and engineering technical competencies into their pathway and start to graduate students with a manufacturing endorsement on their diploma no later than the high school graduating Class of 2022.




Education Systems Center

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Thought Leadership

Middle Grades Career Exploration: One Size Does Not Fill All

Middle school career exploration programs are designed to introduce young students to a wide range of careers and professional pathways at an early stage. In a new article, we consider the inherent risks of exposing students to career options at an early age and recommend key considerations for designing equitable work-based learning for middle grade students.

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