Postsecondary Leadership Series

In response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, OneGoal and the Illinois State Board of Education have partnered to deliver a Postsecondary Leadership Series and scale its classroom-based model to districts and schools across the state. This will include a range of leadership development services aimed at building capacity at the system level to ensure more equitable outcomes for students, district leaders, and school leadership teams in 30–50 districts in high-priority areas across all six geographic regions of school districts in Illinois.

Our Role

In support of the OneGoal team and their Postsecondary Leadership Series, the EdSystems team provided two primary services: capacity-building for OneGoal staff and advising for partner-facing content relating to college and career pathways, early college credit, transitional instruction, work-based learning, and data. Addressing and strengthening transitions to postsecondary is an essential touchpoint in driving equity in postsecondary access, success, and attainment.





Director of Policy
Project Status

The Latest


Transitional Instruction 101

Join the Illinois State Board of Education and EdSystems on March 25 at 10 a.m. to learn more about transitional instruction, which was established by the 2016 Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act and increases college readiness for high school seniors and reduces remedial education needs.

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Governor Pritzker’s Proposed FY2026 Budget: Education Highlights

Governor JB Pritzker presented his proposed 2025–26 budget on February 19, which maintains largely stable funding for K-12 and higher education with modest increases for Career and Technical Education and the Monetary Award Program, building on the past several years of progress and extending several impactful initiatives.

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Success Network Events

Building Pathways to Career, Connection, and Choice

Join the Success Network on April 28, 10–11 a.m., for a free webinar with JFF to learn more about emerging national research and new tools that can support the development of pathways that lead not only to careers, but to connection and choice.

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